Can we just say it's been an embarrassment of riches in the last few weeks and leave it at that? This is why I love the Internet, because if any of you knew me in real life you'd laugh your butts off at the thought of anyone awarding me anything. Except a speeding ticket or a court summons. Or an involuntary stay at a rest home. Maybe even all of the above.
I feel a little like good old Sally Field clutching her Oscar, without the diarrhea of the mouth that has haunted her ever since. I can come up with my own ridiculous comments to haunt me, thank you very much.
And speaking of thank you very much...
It's time for The Gabbies!
This Bodacious Blog Award comes from Jo Beaufoix who, for reasonsknown only to herself, continues to humor me in these areas. Surely she has reasons. Doesn't she? Hmmm....perhaps I owe her money and have forgotten about it. That would be just like me lately. Jo, if that's the case throw me a rescue line and let me know, would you? (I'll probably not pay you back, but at least I won't lay awake nights wondering).
I love this one. It's like Bill and Ted on an un-excellent acid trip. And I think you'll all agree that my middle name could very well be bodacious. (Or is it atrocious? I always get those two mixed up). Anyway, I'm passing this on to
la bellina mammina
Akelamalu at Everything and Nothing
Kimberly at Temporary? Insanity
Crystal JigsawThis Rockin' Girl Blogger Award comes from Stacie at Heeeeeere Storkey Storkey! Isn't this fab? Because if there's anything I am it's Rockin'. I can rock a pair of granny undies with the best of them. And my bifocals kick ass. (At least the top half does. The bottom part is still a little blurry). Thanks, Stacie! I'm passing this on to
Iota at Not wrong, just different
Ciara at Ramblings and Whatnot
Diana at Piffle
Amy at Blog to the Bone
Kaycie at lost in the Bible beltThe You Make Me Smile Award is from la bellina mammina, the queen of Singapore blogs. Thanks, bella! This is appropriate coming from her as her blog and photos bring a smile to my face whenever I see them. Her children are way cuter and better behaved than mine, but I don't hold it against her. I just pull out pictures of her kids whenever anyone asks to see what my kids look like. Works like a charm. She has all boys too. See? Perfect.
I'm giving this one to
Willowtree at A Dingo's got my barbie
Eileen at A Life of Triggers
Pixelpi at Motes and all things small
Stacie at Heeeeeere Storkey, Storkey!
The Misadventures of Adulthood
Irene at Sweet Wood TalkingThis comes from Akelamalu at Everything and Nothing.
The Breakout Blogger Award originated at bobborama dot com
This is how they describe it:
This award casts a spotlight on bloggers who are just beginning to draw lotsa attention — the equivalent of a song with a bullet on Billboard’s Top 100 chart. Lotsa good posts. Lotsa goo
d buzz. These bloggers are going places in a hurry.
Yowsah! How cool is that?? (Does going to the supermarket count as going places? And if it's to pack a school lunch ten minutes before the kids have to leave is that considered going places in a hurry? And if I get a ticket because I'm driving too fast does that count as drawing lots of attention? Just wondering). In any event -thanks, Akela!
This one is going to
laurie at Three Dog Blog
Jen at A Snowball's Chance...
Flowerpot at Flowerpot Days
Jo Beaufoix
Mya at Missing You Already
Dumdad at The Other Side of Paris
Now you all get to give the award to your own Break Out Bloggers … and then send them to this Awards Page for the instructions and code. (these are their instructions).
And just for kicks and giggles, I
Increase volume on music, cut to commercial, roll's a wrap!