Thursday, May 8, 2008

skittles and beer

Nothing about this day happened the way I planned, but it was okay. I woke up completely wired after a great night's sleep and ran all over the place today doing a whole slew of things I needed to do. It may not have been super restful, but it was productive. And that can be very satisfying.

We hung out on the playground after I picked the kids up from school, laid on the sofa and watched TV, had a very simple thrown together chicken caesar salad for dinner and was just ready to put on my jammies and reconnect with my old friend Mint Chip when the phone rang.

My buddy Stacey (of the recent cardiac crap) had called me yesterday to compare notes on feeling rotten. She was hoping she had the same yuck I do, but the more she talked the less I believed that. I said firmly that she needed to get into the doctor's ASAP. She wasn't convinced. I became more firm. She demurred. I think that was about the point where I (in her words) shouted repeatedly at her to JUST DO IT.

She did. She has a pulmonary embolism - a blood clot in her lung. As I write this I have just gotten back from two hours sitting in our ICU, where three of us gals took over the room and tried to divert her attention in any way we could. (My turn at center stage was all about Sasquatch and his cerebral hitchiker - stay tuned for tomorrow). Evidently I missed the phone call today where she called to tell me gleefully that she was in my ER and I wasn't. I drove her teenage son home today and he didn't say a dang word about it. Gotta love that chromosome.

She's hanging in there, but for god's sake - enough already.

Enough. Already.


Anonymous said...

WOW, how awful! Thank God you encouraged her to go to the hospital! I will keep Stacey in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Please keep us updated on your friend. It is too much, too much.


Maggie May said...

What is going on with life? That's what I want to know. All this shit being handed out. Just as well you talked your friend into getting to hospital.
Hoping Stacey will be fully recovered very soon. & that happier times will be on their way.

lebanesa said...

so much for relaxing... but thank goodness you pushed Stacey to go get checked out.
BUT - busy day apart - we can hear the human being again, that automaton was switched off for a bit.
Watch yourself too. Don't please push yourself to a breakdown. That's what all the lovely folks on here keep telling you. More days off - more non-work time. The extra dollars are not worth your kids losing you, honey.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Thank heaven you got her to go the docs, RC. Fingers crossed all is well for Stacey.

Rudee said...

I guess she won't be helping you vacuum for awhile; my bet is you'll be doing hers. You're probably just grateful she called you. She should be thankful your telephone/triage diagnostic skills are so finely tuned.

Now here is a question for you: have you been cheeky again and asking God to "please give me strength?" If so, you must immediately drop that prayer and ask for something less testing. Like wisdom. Asking for strength is a good way to be challenged at all types of skill building exercises designed to give you what you seek.

Have a better day today.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

She is so lucky to have a friend like you. That's all I can say.

laurie said...

oh dear.
oh dear.
all the best to stacey, RC.

and to you.

Irene said...

Yes, enough already, I am barely keeping up as it is, so, enough already.

Amy said...

Scary. That's what killed my mother-in-law.

Iota said...

Blimey. I was just getting over the fact that you have boys who eat salad, when you dropped that one. HOW are you coping? You didn't even get a chance at Mr Mint Chip, did you?

You're a great mom and a great friend. And a great writer.

Kim said...

Damn. If it's not one thing, it's something else.

Sending good thoughts your way. And Stacey's way as well.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Bloody Hell RC, you are in for some good stuff soon, you have to be. Thinking of you and Stacey, and thank God you talked her into going to the doctor.

Faye said...

Just sending you a shout out RC. Was thinking about you yesterday. When in doubt just untie your shoe laces and go straight up. . .

Anonymous said...

OOHh my Godness!!!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling very good about yourself today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope she does much better!!

Beth said...

Don't you just hate it when people call you because you're a friend and a nurse and they're sure you know the answer for everything? Especially when you're in you jammies?

Glad she's alright, but for goodness sake, she's an adult, right?

Sorry for the pithy response, but my MIL pulls the same crap with me and I'm just a transcriptionist. Some day I'm going to tell her she has obstipation and that's fairly critical, and FIL needs to take her to the ED (but I promise, not YOUR ED).

Akelamalu said...

Crikey that was a close call for your friend!

Do you do the lottery? If not I think you should because you must be due some good luck! :#

Beth said...

Uh, oh. I hate leaving second messages. I won't explain obstipation and I will most certainly explain some of the less pleasant tests she may get.

Conversation fodder for a month. I'm sure.

Carolyn said...

Agreed. Enough. Already.

Yowzers. I'd be curled up under the cover murmering incoherently to myself...

This too shall pass.